Michael Kors has made quite the name for itself over the years with a line of stunning ready-to-wear pieces, handbags, and leather goods. The brand is adored by celebrities, like Taylor Swift, Jennifer Lopez, Kate Hudson, Reese Witherspoon, and Michelle Obama, who have all stepped out in the label’s stylish creations. The collection is oh-so-elegant yet also incredibly affordable, and this can be attributed to the fact that the brand uses only high-quality materials in all of its collections.
However, with the popularity of Michael Kors bags comes the inevitable increase in counterfeiting. Thankfully, with a little knowledge of how to spot fake bags, you can avoid purchasing anything but the real thing. First, look at the fabric. A surefire sign of a counterfeit is any bag that is not made from genuine leather, such as pleather. Also, check if the leather is pressed. Real Micheal Kors bags are made of saffiano leather, which is extremely durable and has a fine criss-cross pattern that can be seen clearly.
If you can’t see the criss-cross pattern, the logo, or any other details on a bag, this is a clear indicator that it’s not an authentic Michael Kors satchel. Similarly, check if the bag is a final sale or “non-returnable” when buying online – nothing breaks trust faster than telling a customer that their purchase cannot be returned or exchanged. Lastly, pay attention to the stitching. Genuine Michael Kors bags are carefully sewn to ensure they are long-lasting, so the stitching should be neat and clean. Michael Kors satchel