A louis vuitton bag is more than just a luxury accessory, it’s a symbol of success and the embodiment of Louis Vuitton’s brand reputation. It’s a status symbol and an ode to a legendary history of innovation and resourcefulness that made the brand famous.
The iconic LV monogram or Damier pattern bags can set you back quite a bit, but you can find pre-loved styles for less. Ultimately, the price of an LV bag depends on the material it’s made from and how rare it is. Leather is more expensive than canvas, as it’s a natural material and will require more care and attention.
All authentic LV bags have yellow-mustard color stitching, while replicas use a more vibrant shade of yellow. Also, authentic LV bags have a circle R trademark logo and the words “LOUIS VUITTON PARIS” on the bottom of the bag, while fakes usually only show the LV logo.
Louis Vuitton prices have been climbing over the years due to inflation and price hikes. The most recent price hike was introduced in 2019 after the introduction of a new internal pouch, and this saw prices jump by up to 40%. That’s a huge increase and is one of the biggest price increases of any Louis Vuitton model in history. This hike, coupled with a global pandemic and brands trying to make up lost revenues means that you can expect to pay a premium for a classic LV bag. louis vuitton bag